May 30, 2019
Conquest of the Evermire Book 2: done, waiting on cover art. Conquest of the Evermire Book 3: waiting to be edited. Knight of the Dead...
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May 25, 2019
New fantasy book serial, Conquest of the Evermire is published.
Conquest of the Evermire is out! It's a fun family friendly action packed short story serial. Great for kids & adults, great for reading...
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May 25, 2019
New fantasy book serial! Conquest of the Evermire! Book 2 is done & coming soon!
I published a new book serial, Conquest of the Evermire! It's a fun family friendly action packed short story serial. Great for kids,...
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May 14, 2019
Working on newsletter stuff.
Hey folks I'm trying to learn how to do newsletters and NOT ANNOY yuh. So please bear with me. I've avoided doing these, but am getting...
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May 11, 2019
New books! New series cover!
I'm still working on Alfred and Knight of the Dead series! Both have books in the editing stages! Phew!!! But here is my new series...
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May 6, 2019
Alfred 4, KOTD 4 & new series!
Alfred 4 is done and sent off to the editor! KOTD 4 just got back to me from the editor! She told me she had issues with it. I'm like......
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