- This is the PDF version only.
- 100 page pdf with complete rules to game master a Christian evangelist style role-playing game. It is rules lights and most rules are on a 2 page spread. All combat rules run across two pages. Creating characters is very simple with the only lists being the weapons and what damage they can do. Players can choose gear and place them in burden categories.
- Players can easily create their own hand written character sheets or you can print out the one in this rulebook.
- You will still need the d20 dice to play this game. d20 dice are avaiable on Amazon or most game stores. They must have the 20 sided die, d20... plus the d12, d10, d8, d6 and d4. There will also be a d00 or percentile die with 10, 20, 30 etc.. on each side, but that one is not needed.
- This rulebook explains and has a basic chart to make villains and creatures.
- The Hex World supplement is now included in this rulebook. Chock full of battlemaps, hex encounters, creatures, locations, cults and more! Plus more tables to roll on for more GM ideas as they explore!
- The SCIFI tokens are nearly 100% compatible with this product! Technically, in the timeline, the atheist regime is in space, expanding the Galactic Empire as the Christians re-Christianize the destroyed Earth. So lots of the scifi tokens and tech could be found in the ancient ruins!
For The Lord RPG Apostles of the Apoc PDF